Presidential Elections & The Stock Market: Is There a Correlation?
Historically speaking, there have been a number of outside factors that determine the stock market’s performance - more so than simply which party is in power.
Historically speaking, there have been a number of outside factors that determine the stock market’s performance - more so than simply which party is in power.
Trusts are a vital tool used in estate planning and managing your wealth. The two most basic types are named according to the level of control the owner of the trust retains to make changes
If you are counting on selling your business to create a pool of wealth to fund retirement and possibly create a legacy, there are some things you can do now, whether or not the sale is imminent. And once you have created a liquidity event, it’s of course extremely important to have an investment plan that will safeguard your retirement assets.
You probably know your credit score is important, and you may even have an idea what your “number” is. But many people don’t focus on their credit score until they need it. By not focusing on your credit score earlier, you’re overlooking a chance to create a solid asset that you can leverage for the major (and sometimes minor) life decisions.